We are heading into 2022 at this time, and as promised here are the 2021 updates and recaps! Our team has completed the 2- year Walmart grant funded Farmacy WV program as of January 2022. Through the combined efforts of innovative and dedicated clinic staff, farmers, and educators, we continue to see improvement in our … Continue reading “What an Amazing 2021!”
Category: Uncategorized
What an Amazing 2021!
COVID did not Keep Us Down!
Despite the COVID 19 crisis and the gobal pandemic, the FARMacyWV: Prescriptions for Produce program was successful in 2020! In fact due to the dedication, efforts, and creativity of clinic staff, educators, and farmers, FARMacy WV has opened 10 new programs in clinics in the most food insecure counties of the state. The WVU Extension … Continue reading “COVID did not Keep Us Down!”
Here’s another recipe that is delicious and nutritious year round. It’s not hard to find fresh beets in the produce section of most grocery stores or produce markets year round. They are much more tasty than canned beets and oh, soooo nutritious! Beets are a “Super Food”. They are high in valuable vitamins and minerals … Continue reading “FRESH ROASTED BEETS with FETA”
FARMacy Featured by ABC News
We are proud to share that FARMacy has been featured by ABC News. Watch the video below, and read the full article here.
Farmacy WV 2019, Ready, Set…..Go!
FARMacy WV is starting a brand new 2019 year, and we are excited to announce a new partnership with Upsur County and the Tri-County Health Clinic ( Community Care of WV) in Rock Cave, WV. They are on board to start this June with a collaboration with local growers. We welcome them to our FARMacy … Continue reading “Farmacy WV 2019, Ready, Set…..Go!”
We’re BACK !
Wheeling Health Right “FARMacy WV-Prescriptions for Produce” is up and running once again for the third year! We are excited to enter the 2018 growing season full force to fight chronic disease in our patient population, our community, our county, and our state. West Virginians are the sickest population in the country with the highest … Continue reading “We’re BACK !”
Eating Clean
Recently while seeing patients in my office, I had a husband and wife who came in together. Both were new to the practice. Both of them were obese and had multiple chronic diseases including diabetes and high blood pressure. During the course of the history taking part of the visit, the wife told me that … Continue reading “Eating Clean”
Get Moving!
I used to think I walked a lot in my day to day routine. Up and down stairs, from room to room in the office, doing housework, seeing patients, the grocery store, gardening, to and from the mailbox…. Was I wrong. How do I know this? My new Fitbit. This thing is amazing and humbling … Continue reading “Get Moving!”
Kale and Cannellini Beans ( Greens and Beans)
Kale is not on most people’s “love it ” list. That’s usually because it is steamed or used raw and can taste bitter. This recipe reveals the secret that my grandmother passed down to me. Any vegetable tastes amazing if sauteed in garlic and olive oil! The combination of the garlic and olive oil kills … Continue reading “Kale and Cannellini Beans ( Greens and Beans)”
Hardy Winter Chicken, Bean, Vegie, and Tortellini Soup
This soup is great for a last minute supper for two or an entire family. It is a hardy and well balanced meal all by itself, and is a great way to sneak in lots of vegies! The prep time is amazingly quick especially if the vegies are chopped ahead of time. Serve with a … Continue reading “Hardy Winter Chicken, Bean, Vegie, and Tortellini Soup”