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Kale and Cannellini Beans ( Greens and Beans)

Kale is not on most people’s “love it ” list. That’s usually because it is steamed or used raw and can taste bitter. This recipe reveals the secret that my grandmother passed down to me. Any vegetable tastes amazing if sauteed in garlic and olive oil! The combination of the garlic and olive oil kills the bitterness and provides a wonderful flavor combination in this recipe that is quick and delicious and perfect for dinner as a side dish compatible with meat, chicken, or fish. And Oh my, how healthy it is!
Kale is high in fiber, very low in calories, and has Vitamins A,C, and K as well as folate which is key for brain development. It has Omega 3 fatty acid which is a healthy fat found in fish at higher levels, and lutein to boot which is amazing in prevention of macular degeneration and cataracts. In addition, it has minerals including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and zinc.

Wow! If that hasn’t convinced you how wonderful kale is, and that we should be eating it every week for chronic disease prevention and treatment….just try this recipe…my grandmother was never wrong!


1 15 oz can of white cannellini beans
4-5 cloves ( or more if you’re like me and love garlic! ) of chopped garlic
1/2 large bag of prewashed and chopped kale ( this about 5-6 cups of raw kale)
5 tablespoons of olive oil


In a medium sauce pan on low heat, Saute chopped garlic in olive oil till lightly browned
Add drained and rinsed cannellini beans and simmer for about 10 mins on a low heat till beans soften slightly
Add the kale, about a cup at a time, ( kale will cook down quickly ) mixing with the oil and beans at the bottom of the pan to prevent sticking.
Continue to cook on low heat till all kale has reduced in size and is thoroughly combined with the beans.
Season with salt and pepper ( crushed red pepper if you like spicy!)
